
Alabama Jubilee

It’s Memorial Day weekend which means it’s time for the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic in Decatur. I prefer to stay at my own house on holiday weekends, but this year I made it over to Point Mallard Park because I just love to see all the colorful balloons. The last time I went was 15 years ago! (How can that possibly be? It seems like just a couple of years ago.) That time I gathered up the family and left the house at 4:30 in the morning to watch the balloon races, only to be disappointed because high winds prevented them from flying. We went back that afternoon though and we were rewarded with the sight of lots of colorful balloons (tethered). Of course, we also checked out the antique tractors and cars, but it’s not nearly so often that you get to see so many hot air balloons together. 

I had determined to go see the beautiful balloons again this year, but when Saturday started out rainy and gloomy, I decided against it. Then after a full day of cooking I changed my mind again, decided to go for the balloon glow, and convinced two of my kids to go with me. My daughter and I hadn’t gone for our walk yet and I knew there would be a lot of walking involved in attending the Jubilee so that convinced her to go. (The only time we didn't have a long walk to get in was when we arrived before the 6 am races.)

The long walk can even be entertaining 

Over 60 balloons participated this year

Years ago, they let us walk inside the balloons while they filled them using fans. Most were already up when we went this year. I don't know if they still do that.

Inside another balloon

Captain America and Black Widow were waiting in line for a balloon ride.

This event is very popular (meaning very crowded) so you might consider watching the balloons fly from afar if you don’t like crowds. If you want a tethered balloon ride, be prepared to wait in line a very long time. They have a lot more balloons offering rides now, but there are a lot more people waiting too. Two of my kids went up with me when they were little. The youngest was afraid to go – and he still is. He doesn’t like heights (and I don’t like lines) so we didn’t even consider waiting this time.

Very long lines for balloon rides

The hot air balloon glow

We did go for a ride way back in 2001.

A Journey cover band, Resurrection, was playing while we explored the balloon field (the Jubilee website notes that this is one of the only balloon festivals where you can freely walk among the balloons on the field). My kids like Journey and I actually recognized the music (some of my college friends were big Journey fans), so we enjoyed that too.

The Jubilee also includes sky divers, an art show, tractor games, fireworks, and lots of food vendors. It goes all day on Saturday on Sunday and admission is free!

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